• Labatt Light

    This beer uses specially selected North American aromatic hops and lager yeast. The result is a crisp, clean and delicately balanced beer with a slight sweetness and citrus-like hop character.

  • Blue Moon

    The flavor starts crisp and tangy and ends with a coriander and orange spiciness. The Valencia orange peel gives a subtle sweetness to the beer.

  • Pabst Blue Ribbon

    Pabst Blue Ribbon is a premium lager brew crafted with a hefty infusion of 6-row barley in its ingredient package, a carefully balanced carbohydrate profile from corn syrup, and a unique combination of Pacific domestic hops blended with an imported Yugoslavian variety.

  • Dos Equis Lager

    Bright gold, high carbonation, flowery malt aroma finishes with a sour malt, dry malt aftertaste.

  • Coors Light

    Coors light is the second best-selling beer in the U.S. Coors Light employs a unique frost-brewing process that locks in a taste as cold as the Rockies themselves. Coors Light goes to great lengths to make sure you get the best beer experience using cold-activated and vented, wide-mouthed cans.

  • Labatt Blue

    Labatt Blue, brewed using specially selected aromatic hops, is a well balanced, fully matured, full-flavored beer with a fruity character and a slightly sweet aftertaste.

  • Labatt Light

    This beer uses specially selected North American aromatic hops and lager yeast. The result is a crisp, clean and delicately balanced beer with a slight sweetness and citrus-like hop character.

  • Blue Moon

    The flavor starts crisp and tangy and ends with a coriander and orange spiciness. The Valencia orange peel gives a subtle sweetness to the beer.

Tri-County Beverage was created in 1994. However, the company’s origin can be traced back to 1958 and was known then as The Wolpin Company when Walter Wolpin joined his father in the business. Walter continues to lead the company today. Over the years many competitor buyouts resulted in a quadrupling of its sales: 1976 United Beverage, an Anheuser Busch Wholesaler; 1994 Don Lee and Henry Kozak, both leading multi-brand Wholesalers.


Today Tri-County Beverage services Oakland and Macomb Counties with annual sales of 3,000,000 cases.